Monday, March 31, 2008

10 months old today

And I am sad. I am not there to celebrate and do all of our normal daily things that may seem so boring to most yet mean everything to me. I miss watching him as he eats his cheerios, dumps his sippy cup just cause he can. I can't catch him as he starts to tumble, and help him as he cruises along the sofa. I can't laugh as we walk and walk and walk him around the house, with JT leading us and just stopping when he wants to go a different direction. Jeff and I have semi-permanent stoops since we are bent over him as he hangs onto our pointers and walks the floor. I miss watching him wave bye-bye or nod his head when he agrees and clap his hands when we sing, E does something funny or when we play.

Why am I not there? I am out of town on business and I miss my family. This is my first time away from Jason since he was born and it has been a long time since I couldn't be there to read E his goodnight story. We have been doing I am Bunny this week and we almost have it memorized. Jason likes to turn the pages.

The entire month of April will be so hard. I am away on 3 different trips and it is so funny to see how much my priorities have changed. What used to be seen as such a great opportunity to visit new and exciting places is now a huge impact to my beautiful family and a huge source of guilt. Here's to you my little man and know I am sending you butterfly kisses and our special rendition of Hush Little Baby to you both.

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