Tuesday, August 30, 2005

2 month checkup

Today we went to the pediatrician for our 2 month check up, some vaccinations and weight check. I had made a bet with my family that whoever guessed Ethan's weight correctly was exempt from diaper duty all weekend. I guessed 9 pounds 9 ounces. Dude! He is chubby. He weighed in at 12.1 pounds and almost 23 inches. I lost. So basically, business as usual in the diaper department for me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Our first professional pics

Yes...I broke down. We took him to the mall for photos today. He wasn't so sure he liked the idea but we did manage to get a couple of nice shots. Of course Grandma was there to help pick out which shots to purchase. No shock...we bought them all. I have heard from other folks that the first time you get pictures taken professionally, you tend to go slightly overboard. They obviously never met my mother. We take the anchor with us.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Should we name this one "So big" (my suggestion) or "I win" (Nik's suggestion)? Votes to be tallid later Posted by Picasa

Weekend shots

Are we done yet? Posted by Picasa

Practice for portraits Posted by Picasa

Tractor trailer

So we went and stayed with a friend this weekend. It only took 2 hours to pack everything and load it. And all I took for me, mind you, was an extra shirt, pair of shorts and underwear. So the rest of the vehicle was filled with swing, bouncy chair, portable crib, toys, stuffed animals, 14 changes of clothes, 5 dozen diapers, and a case of formula. For one night. Yes, one. And we did have a washer and dryer. Returning home took yet another hour of unpacking.

I have a new business concept in traveling with baby. You have a complete tractor trailer (minus the cab) completely packed with everything needed for baby. It is parked in the rental lot for use at a day's notice. When you want to go somewhere, you simply call, hook up and go. Now, we would need one for every age group and rental fees should be reasonable. Potential investors can contact Jennifer at riskant@yahoo.com.

We are coming up on 2 months of age. We are going to go for professional pictures tomorrow if he can refrain from using his blades (fingernails) on his cheeks again tonight. In the meantime, I took a few that I think are finally starting to capture his personality - and even better, his eyes are actually open for once.

Rocky or star QB? Posted by Picasa

I am so afraid to stop taking pics as I already feel like I can barely remember how small and fragile he was. What before was "try not break him" is now "can you please lift his head so I can remove the stored formula from the folds of his chin?" How times change. Someone at work told me that time will fly - with long days and short years. My response to her? Sniff.

Jenn and Ethan Posted by Picasa

As far as work goes, I am surviving the transition back from maternity leave. This morning was a bit hard though. He didn't even want to wake up to say good-bye although I admit I did try to make him. Even picking him up and hugging and kissing him was not enough to rouse him. I really should be grateful he can sleep though anything (a well loved trait that I too possess). Once here in the office though, I enjoy my friends and coworkers. The work is exciting as well and keeps me very busy but I do look forward to pulling in the driveway each evening. The days do seem to fly by when you look back at them.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ethan's new room

So while pregnant, I started building a house. Not my best move but since I have the most incredibly nice builder known to man, it has not been too stressful (my builder's wife may disagree since she has done most of the legwork for me). Yesterday I took Ethan out there to meet Larry and to see his new room.

This is the front of the house and Ethan's room is on the right.

And here is the rear of the house with the screened porch and covered deck. This overlooks the pastures and my room is on the far left.

If you want to check out more of Larry and Jeanette's handiwork, see their web site at http://www.lhibuilds.com/home.htm. Whatever you do though, don't mention the doors. Last I heard, Jeanette still hasn't recovered from searching for the ones I wanted. She mentioned something about jumping out the office window at one point. Wait untill she hears about the next thing I just have to have. :_)

A little perspective

Wanted to make sure I could remember how truly small he was and how much in awe I was.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Taking the heat

So I have heard a few complaints the last few days about me not updating the blog. Ooops. It has been a busy one for me. I am back to work now and it has been a transition. Right now I am in the office 3 days a week and working at home the rest of the time. It allows me to be with E and still keep my current position at IBM which I enjoy. I use a day of vacation a week so I only have to work when he is sleeping on my days at home. It is working out well so far. Not sure how I fit in time for the gym or riding Easy but one step at a time. Maybe next week. :-)

Anne gave Ethan this great activity rug and blanekt and stuffed animal all wrapped into one. Ethan adores it and so do I. I take it with me when we go visit and he has a great place to play. To thank her and show how cute it is, we had to take some pics. He just loved having the panda's head right next to his and burrying his little face into it.

Please refrain from making fun of the little pattern baldness we have going on. Seems his hair is falling out in a nice horse shoe shape and the comb over is not working for him. It is soft like peach fuzz though and he loves his head rubbed. And, unfortunately for him, he now looks exactly like I did as a baby his age. He at least had the good fortune to be born with hair so he can have some baby pictures where he doesn't look like a cue ball. I did not have that luxury. A hat would have been good.

And before we sign off for the night, Ethan and I want to wish Aunt Jean a Happy 35th Birthday. We miss you every day and wish you were here. Love you!

Friday, August 5, 2005

Just because

Enter James Dean. Love the denim look. And there is nothing quite so trendy as cows and horses on your polo shirt. He'll fit right in on the new farm.

You ever notice how hard it is to get them to smile on cue and to look AT the camera?

Bath time for the chubby one. You can't imagine how relieved I am to write that after all our eating issues.

Outfit change number 435. Their clothes are so cute and he helps me sample and wash and fold them all by spitting up on each and every one of them. Thoughtful.

So why the post today? There are no visitors, no dates, and nothing Earth shattering going on today. I just took some great pics of E and wanted to share. Only one week left for me before I go back to work and I am all about the bonding experience. I am so sad about leaving him and worried that he won't know me. I feel so good about leaving him with Mom, of course, but what if he forgets me or we lose our bond? I know it is nutty but it is strange the things you worry about. I still have nightmares where I drop him or can't find him. I wake up in cold sweats. I hope it gets easier or I will be one of those parents that can't let their child out of their sight. I can picture it now...Ethan playing in the back yard with a ankle bracelet that lets me know when he goes more than 10 feet. Please! I'll be bribing him with goats, llamas, emus, calves, ponies, etc so he loses interest in motorcycles, dirt bikes or anything else deemed dangerous. He will be a 4H expert. :-) I'm evil.