Sunday, November 27, 2005

Ethan's Christening

Ethan's Christening was the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. I wanted this day to be special for the family and picked special invitations and agonized over his outfit. He used the blanket from Jean's christening when she was a baby and it had a lot of sentiment associated with it. We then had a catered brunch so my family could relax for once and not cook. My Aunt and Uncle came from NY and spent the weekend. We had a lovely visit and it felt like quite the celebration. I wanted it to be low key but still have everyone share in his day. Jeff's family joined us for the Christening and they all made a lot of effort to be here as well. I couldn't have asked for a nicer day (unless Ethan could have refrained from fussing during the service and the pics). It meant the world to have Michael and Jean stand up there for me and to have the entire family present. I felt very supported and Ethan just loved the attention and all the grandparents. My favorite memory is Christopher carrying him around and sharing his toys with E.

In all our finest

God parents and Grandparents Posted by Picasa

Jeff and his family 2005 Posted by Picasa

Aunt Katherine and Uncle Graham Posted by Picasa

All the new hat and I found my thumb Posted by Picasa

How big is Ethan? Sooooo big! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 24, 2005


We had a wonderful holiday. Jean, Russ and Ryan came from Seattle and we had Christopher for the week as well. We had a lovely Thanksgiving day at Mom and Dad's and played frisbee and video games, watched football and ate way too much. Jean and Dad were mixing drinks and Russ, as usual, kept everyone entertained with all his antics.

Thanksgiving Dinner Posted by Picasa

Frisbee throwing on Thanksgiving Day Posted by Picasa

Uncle Mikey Posted by Picasa

Jean, Jenn and a grumpy E Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Jeff and Jenn get engaged

Jeff proposed and we annouced to the family at thanksgiving. Our friend Sam took an engagement pic of us even though we aren't making any formal announce. I have never been so happy and know that we will have a wonderful family and future. We are planning a nice garden wedding in the back yard of our house when Christopher comes back for the summer. July in NC and outdoors.....what are we thinking?

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Food glorious food

After rice cereal comes oatmeal. And then veggies. So far we have cleaned up on the butternut squash, sweet potatoes, peas, and carrots. We have also done some fruit with bananas and apples. Ethan seems equally enthused with them all...and the napkin, the chair, the stuffed animals etc. Seems everything goes into his mouth these days. The funniest part is when we eat. He sits with us at the table during dinner. he is in his highchair and screams bloody murder unless he is getting something too. And the way he follows your movements as you eat, you just know he is wishing to do a face plant into your mashed potatoes.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Off to bed

Just a quick post with some pics as we got Ethan ready for bed tonight. He is really standing well on his own and his expressions slay me. We are really struggling with keeping a schedule so we can keep his tantrums to a minimum. Remember when your Mom wished you would have one just like you? Here is my penance. :-)

Tuesday, November 1, 2005


I have found paradise. There is this toy exerciser thingie that I can just start using now and he loves...and he has to stand up so it tires him out while teaching him to reach and stand. I finally get a free hand during play time and then Ethan takes a nice nap after his 15 minutes. Talk about double duty. There are plenty of toys to play with and items to drool and chew on. Seems this a natural progression for kids at this age....everything is a chew toy. I hope to steadily increase his time in here as his legs get stronger. There is one down does not fit through a doorway once put therefore he is sitting in the hall as I type this looking at me from afar (which he doesn't seem to mind).

We are also working more on the tummy time (which he hates) and some rolling over. He can do it if he can grab my finger for some leverage. And he is holding his head up on his own and really controlling it now. He has always thrown it around with confidence and could control it since he was 2 weeks old but now he can sit up and tripod and really turn it to follow people.