Thursday, February 2, 2012

Things I love....

It hasn't been a great few weeks and while I could sit here and detail all that, it really isn't my style.  I try to stay away from downer posts, politics, religion and anything controversial that will come back to haunt me.  Tonight I was feeling really low and noticed a new trend on Twitter (or new to me since I can't seem to keep up with all the social media) regarding things you love.  I figured I would take this as an opportunity to be grateful for all my blessings and list a few.  I got to 50 before the 2nd commercial break on whatever useless TV show I was not watching in the background.  So for all it is worth, here is my list.

Things I love
  1. My eyelashes on rosy little cheeks - butterfly like touches full of love
  2. Sweatpants and worn t-shirts, no makeup
  3. Hershey kisses - you can't just eat one
  4. My sons playing with my hair
  5. The baby kneading my arm as she drinks, watching her twirl her ear with the other hand
  6. Crisp cool mornings and barn chores
  7. Doggy breath
  8. My pillow top bed and down bedding - and rolling over to go back to sleep.  I can't remember the last time that happened!
  9. A deep kiss that makes your stomach do flip flops
  10. Dancing to no audible music
  11. Singing to a familiar tune - loud - and with the music even louder
  12. Sunglasses and flip-flops, sand between my toes
  13. Being pregnant, feeling the baby move, the sheer anticipation and wonder of it all
  14. No cell phone zones - unplugging and getting away from it
  15. Putting sticky notes in my kids lunches just to say I love and miss them
  16. Green grass and blue skies, noticing all the amazing color around us
  17. Deep breaths
  18. Sunday dinners with family
  19. A good fall football game in an open air stadium
  20. Trail rides with friends
  21. Really good stretches
  22. Baby toes
  23. Devouring a good book - even on the Kindle
  24. Shopping for good music
  25. Taking pictures and storing away little memories
  26. Forgiveness and short memories
  27. Building friendships and sharing secrets
  28. Roller coasters
  29. Slot machines
  30. Going to Mass with the entire family - the entire warmth of God
  31. Google and Wikipedia - what did we do before the internet???
  32. Apple martinis - with a cherry (Catholics can drink!)
  33. Leisurely dining with friends - where the time just flies and you don't want the evening to end
  34. Travel to far away places with exotic food and different cultures
  35. Putting my kids to bed
  36. Saturday mornings - no work, big breakfast, total leisure
  37. Wildflowers in old fashioned tin containers
  38. Pink lipstick and silver hair - I miss you Grandma
  39. Candlelight and bubble bath
  40. Chalk drawings in the driveway
  41. Waking up outdoors
  42. White water and white mountains
  43. Family game night
  44. Midnight chats with my sister
  45. Playing rummy with Mom
  46. Patience and gratitude, compassion and love for others
  47. Internet shopping!
  48. Decorating Easter eggs
  49. S'Mores and open fires
  50. Flannel pajamas on Christmas mornings

I could add so many more but just these were enough to make me smile.  And I guess that is what it is all about.  My day wasn't wasted - I noticed the sun, smelt the air, loved on my children, gave tons of hugs, and I smiled.

I find it both humorous and a testament to my true nature that this resembles so closely the only other time I did one of these things - 3 years to the day.